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  • 08/10/2023
    Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) participated On Tuesday, 10/03/2023, and for the fourth year in a row, a number of global stock markets in the activities of the World Investor Week held during the first week of October 2023, as part of the annual initiative of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) in the presence of the Vice Chairman of the Securities Commission, Dr. Adel Bino, the CEO of Amman Stock Exchange, Mazen Al Wathaifi, the Deputy Executive Director, Bassam Abu Abbas, and a number of department directors. The CEO of the ASE, Mazen Wathaifi said that the ASE is constantly keen to extend bridges of cooperation with all local and international institutions to enhance investment awareness activities and spread financial knowledge. The ASE’s participation in this activity besides a number of global stock markets falls within the framework of its keenness to participate and actively follow up on the various events and activities of the WFE & IOSCO organization and its various committees, which enables it to follow up on the latest developments relating to its work and to keep abreast of relevant international standards. Wathaifi indicated that the ASE will launch educational awareness videos and posts to be published on the website and various social media accounts, where a number of important matters will be highlighted that the Stock Exchange has worked to launch in the national capital market, including the disclosure of information regarding sustainable finance, given that investors consider environmental, social, and governance criteria when making investment decisions in financial markets, which enhance long-term investments in sustainable economic activities and projects. In addition to the educational investors guiding them to review the company’s disclosure statements targeted for investment, and shows the importance of establishing the Investor Relations Unit in listed companies, which aims to enhance transparency and disclosure and increase the confidence of investors and other stakeholders by providing them with accurate and timely information regarding the financial and operational performance of the company and the continuous communication with everything related to the company. It is worth mentioning that "World Investor Week" is an annual international awareness initiative organized in the first week of October of each year by the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) and the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) aiming to enhance financial culture and raise awareness for investors on all matters related to investment in securities. And the capital market. More than 120 member states of this international organization participate in its annual activities.
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